1. Who has the most scruples?
a. someone who spends found money
b. someone who saves found money
c. someone who returns found money
d. someone who hides found money
2. Which one would be hardest to hoist?
a. a feather
b. a sofa
c. a glass of milk
d. a box of blueberries
3. Which man is being eccentric?
a. the one walking along a path
b. the one running up a hill
c. the one jogging through the woods
d. the one walking on his hands.
4. What might a tired person do to feel rejuvenated?
a. take a nap
b. skip dinner
c. run a marathon
d. stay up late
5. Which part of school is the most tranquil?
a. the gymnasium
b. the cafeteria
c. the library
d. the hallway
6. When would you most likely have a jubilee?
a. every day of the week
b. the last day of every month
c. never
d. once a year
7. Which one would you want to nudge?
a. a friend
b. a stranger
c. a baby
d. a grizzly bear
8. Which one would seem most unremitting?
a. a quick poem
b. a long book
c. a short story
d. a one-page article
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