This week's question of the week for Reading Street is: Why do people make sacrifices for others? Please make a comment below answering the question. Remember PQA= PUT the QUESTION in the ANSWER! You can do this by starting your sentence as, "People make sacrifices for others because......"
If you want to give examples that would help answer you question that would help!
Good luck. When you are done answering the question please go into typing web and complete a lesson. Everyone should be on or finished with Homerow and Beyond.
Let's have a great week!
Mrs. Madsen
People make sacrifices for others because ...
they like the good feeling - James
To help if someone is injured.
People make sacrifices for others because they want to be nice.
people make sacrifices for others because they want attention
people make sacrifices for people because they rather pass away then those or that person
People make sacrifices for others because it makes them feel good
people make sacrifices for people because they rather pass away then those or that person
People make sacrifices because they might want to save someone
people make sacrifices for others cause they're there friends.
People make sacrifices for others because they want to help them.
People make sacrifices for others cause they care about them.
People make sacrifices because....
they like to help and like the feeling that comes with it.
Allie Sargent 22
People make sacrifices because......
we want people safe
People make sacrifices for others because...they like to get warm feeling.
People make sacrifices because they might want to save someone.
Why do we make sacrifices for others because people will do something for you and you do something for them like giving money to an old man living in a box you might give your life to someone who needs it
Sarahi Martinez
People make sacrifices because they want to be nice - dawson
People make sacrifices because.......
we want people safe
People make sacrifices for others because they like to be nice to other people.
People make sacrifices for others to have more chances to live.
People make sacrifices for others because... they like the good felling inside.
People make sacrifices for others because they love to help them.
MaRyah Sparks
Why do people make sacrifices
So 1,000,000,s of people can live for anther million,s of years for generation.
cat got biger.
People make sacrifices to help other people need that help - Yanitzi
People make sacrifices for others because to help others
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